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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

web hunt #35

1) Where is the door to Otto’s clothing store in ourWorld?

A: In Starlight Skate (the Boardwalk), by Dance Planet
2) How do you get a chance to win a free iPad? (Hint: check What’s New in ourWorld)

A: By completing a Super Rewards offer between August 9th – September 6th
3) In the new game, Fenticore, what color is the Fenticore?

A: Yellow
4) Check out this month’s ourWorld Free Gems Newsletter HERE. Name three things the newsletter talks about!

A: Cirque Box, Apollo Items & Summer Fun Theme
5) What do the new Flower seed gifts do in Critter Garden?

A: When planted, they grow to be flowers that increase the chance of hatching a rare critter.
6) What is your ourWorld username? (This is so we can give you gems if you win!)

A: Leave ourWorld username

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